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Ocean Deep, Faith Renewed

Have you ever felt burned out and weary? This was the emotional place I was in about 3 weeks ago. I didn't feel like writing, encouraging anyone, or even inspirational. Usually, I could push through the emotions, but for some reason I felt emotionally stuck. When I get overwhelmed in this manner it drives me to dangerous place...shut down. When I feel myself retreating inwardly I know I must do something quickly to get out of the rut, but this time I felt helpless. I felt like I was in a spiritual fight for my purpose (well because I am). This time it felt heavier than usual. It was too much to bear, too much to carry, and I felt it was too much to share to burden someone else.

Yet, no matter how much I feel I'm being pressed in a corner nothing has and can ever overpower my ability to pray and worship my way back to my place of peace. It is my constant weapon when my emotions attempt to get the best of me. In this place I discovered this song by Hillsong United, "Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)."

(When you finish reading this blog I need you to click on the video above and listen intently to the words of this beautiful worship song.)

They have many versions of this song so I've only listened to the album recorded version. It was not until I was in this rut I stumbled upon (really God's perfect timing:) this video on Facebook. What was so amazing about this particular version is Hillsong recorded this video at the Sea of Galilee where Jesus and Peter walked on water (Matthew 14:22-33).

The significance of this particular scene, coupled with the words of the song overwhelmed me to tears because it was a keen reflection of my own life. All I could do was see myself in the shoes of Peter, stepping out on great faith doing something I've never done before and trusting God with all I had. Suddenly, I became distracted. I started to put more emphasis on my feet.

I couldn't believe where I was standing...on water?! Wow!

More distractions entered the scene causing the winds to become even more boisterous. My thoughts were beginning to focus on the force of the storm versus the Storm Maker. I started sinking slowly. I took my eyes off of the One who gave me the ability to stand on what was impossible. I felt like I was sinking fast. Hence the reason why I was in that emotional state of turmoil. I felt paralysed to reach out to my support system, so in that moment all I could do was cry out to Christ, "Save me Lord!" With tears overwhelming me, Jesus slowly and lovingly began pulling me up. He not only saved me, He readjusted my thinking, called me out on my "little faith" and encouraged me to trust Him with the weight of my journey. He reminded me to stop placing the weight on myself and instead "cast my cares upon Him" (1 Peter 5:7) for my purpose belongs to Him.

It was in that moment I immediately experienced comfort.

Peace ruled my being once again and Lord was I grateful!

Today, I just want to encourage you. If you've stepped out into oceans deep and you feel like you're sinking it may be a great indicator you need to remove the distractions and readjust your focus so your faith can be strengthened. Like Peter, we all have been called to walk towards Christ in our great purpose. Every step we take is to draw closer to God. Remember, during this process we will inevitably experience distractions. We will sometimes sink, but rest assured we will never drown! You must call on the name of Jesus. He will be swift to save you, like He saved Peter, and like He saved me....

The Ocean is deep and your purpose is great. Don't fret. Christ is right there with you to keep you focused, pull you through the emotional turmoil,

and renew your faith.

Now say this with me: "I AM...A NEW ME!"


Dr. Estrelita Bruce, Founder of A NEW ME Transparently, Abundantly

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