Get Ready, the Fight is On!
"Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand."
Ephesians 6:13 (KJV)

In this sixth chapter of Ephesians, we find a list of the armor God has provided for the Christian's use in warfare. We are to get ready for battle and be ready when the fighting breaks out!
In his description of the armor, Paul uses the Roman soldier as his model. When Paul speaks of having your loins gird about with truth, he is using the Roman soldier's belt as his example; it is a sign of active duty. The breastplate is a reference to Isaiah 59:17. When Paul adds the words "of righteousness" it is indicative that wrongs will be righted and victory is inevitable. Feet shod with the preparation of the gospel, is equal to saying, "have you boots laced up, ready to go!"
The shield of faith is for the soldier's defense. Paul used the word "scutum" which was a large quadrangular shield designed to extinguish ignited arrows. And that is exactly the language he used when he said, the shield is able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. The helmet of salvation means to know all that you have received as a result of the death of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Know who you are in Christ Jesus! The sword is the word of God. You need to be able to sling it with precision to cut down all the plans of the enemy. When Christ was tempted, His weapon of choice was the word of God!
In my old work place there was a plan was to lay off several employees and double the workload of several others. This was simply a move to increase the bottom line. Not a beneficial solution for those hardworking individuals who really needed their jobs. Utilizing the armor that God has given us for spiritual warfare, I went before the Lord warring against the powers and principalities in heavenly places! I tightened my belt, shifted my breastplate, tied my shoes more securely, entrenched myself in my faith in God, hoisted my shield and raised my sword!
There was another answer to this problem. A solution that would fit the needs of all concerned. However, a certain individual, in an effort to show how much of a "team player" he was, wanted to take the route that would cause the greatest inconvenience to the most people. I prayed against those spirits urging this person towards self-promotion, self-aggrandizement and popularity until the walls came tumbling down and another, more humane solution was found!
We must remember that God has given us this armor to fight the enemy! By going down on our knees, we change not only the atmosphere but halt injustice and unrighteousness in its tracks. This war is real! But the fact that we can affect outcomes is also real! We may not always NEED to do battle but we need to always be READY to do battle!

Minister Kay Robinson, A NEW ME Blog Contributor
Get ready to embrace “A NEW ME: Transparently, Abundantly.”
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