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"Although this is one of the most painful experiences any wife can experience, it is my hope you will soon embrace your loss as an opportunity for personal growth, wholeness, and purpose." - Dr. E

We WERE Widows (WWW)

1 Timothy 5:3 - “Support the widows who are truly in need.”


Were - Past Tense of “be” (to take place; happen; occur); Were is past tense of what has taken place. "Were" is not continuous or infinite.



Why We “WERE” Widows? 



"Were" is emphasized for women to know they were created for so much more than the title of widow. You don't have to remain in the drudges of grief, but realize God has a special purpose in store for you and your healing journey.

After Dr. E experienced the death of a husband in her early twenties her life was shattered. The grieving process was grueling as she desperately tried to find her way in life. Through much prayer, support, and a proactive approach towards healing Dr. E is now restored and remarried. Dr. E "was" a widow but is currently fulfilling her purpose in God. She is taking her years of hardship and experience to encourage other women who have also experienced the loss of a spouse.


Whether you were young or old when you lost your spouse, this life event is simply devastating. Many lack the spiritual, emotional, and mental support or fortitude to transition from marriage to widowhood to singleness. The demands of life do not cease as you continue with financial responsibilities, parenthood, your career, and now unexpected/unwanted "new" relationship status. WWW was created to provide widows young and old with resources to make the transition more bearable.


Who We Are


WWW is a unique support community designed to help women process grief due to the loss of a spouse by:

  1. ENCOURAGING them through this tough transition

  2. EDUCATING them through biblical principles to experience healing in Christ and

  3. EQUIPPING them with practical tools to apply to their new life so they can embrace wholeness and purpose.


A Special Message from Dr. E

"Although this is one of the most painful experiences any wife can experience, it is my hope you will soon embrace your loss as an opportunity for personal growth, wholeness, and purpose. This is a devastating and difficult transitional season for you now, but my prayer is for you to discover you were created to be so much more than to bare the title of a "widow." There’s a reason why God has allowed you to experience this.


Though you may not be able to see that now keep leaning on God, your trusted support groups, and be open to seeking professional help. I've been where you are and have walked down that difficult path, but I've learned to keep this mind, "God makes EVERYTHING beautiful in its time (Ecclesiastes 3:11) and "God is a very present help in the time of trouble" (Psalm 46:1).



God has allowed me to go through this to help you navigate through grief and embrace your healing. You are not
lone, so don't lose hope. If God can restore someone like me, He can do it for you as well. I WAS a widow, NOW restored by God and you will experience His restoring power too! I am praying for you and I can't wait to connect with you!" - Dr. E



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Follow Dr. E on all social media outlets for updates.

Hashtag: #WeWereWidows


BOOK a We Were Widows Private Virtual Counseling Sessions with Dr. E


Private Virtual Group Sessions Coming Soon







© 2024 A NEW ME Counseling & Consulting, LLC

Address: 2626 Cole Ave #300 | Dallas, TX 75204

 424-ANEW-ME-2 (424-263-9632) | Email:

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