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Entrepreneur/Business, Lifestyle
LaVon Grant (Former Blog Contributor)

LaVon is a C-level marketing communications executive with a proven record of driving business process improvements. He has broad-based experience in both the public and private sectors in marketing, advertising, communications, public relations, creative services, business development, fund development, and information technology.

Prior to starting Quantum Identity Group (QIG), LaVon worked in a variety of consulting, management and individual contributor positions.

LaVon is a graduate of the Jesse H. Jones School of Business, earning his Bachelors degree in Business Administration. Quantum Identity Group recently received DesignFirms™ 2014-2015 Web Design Award. To learn more about QIG visit:

Faith/Ministry, Lifestyle
Adrienne Pluss 

Adrienne wants to live in a world where Love, Freedom, and Wisdom are treasured and respected establishments; creative expression advances through continuous discovery; and we take the proverbial lid off “the box” and legitimately live abundantly.


As a writer, she’s had several of her poetic works published in poetry compilations and by Christian authors along with writing a long-running weekly devotional. As a speaker and artist, she’s been a featured spoken word artist, emcee, and singer for numerous events, conferences, and services. As an organizer, she successfully created an open mic, Artistiq Xpressions, a platform for diverse artists to creatively worship through their artistic talents. 

When she’s not working (and sometimes while she’s working), you can find her lavishing over her nieces and nephews, dreaming up new ways to get to the other side of the world and beyond, and asking God to reveal His mysteries to her. 


She is currently working on multiple projects. Join her as she opens the windows of her soul and openly shares pieces of her journey that will help you along your path to an abundant life. 

Contact info:

Minister Kay Robinson 

Rev. Kay Robinson is a licensed, ordained minister who serves in her church as an associate minister and is also the founder of Kay Robinson Ministries.  The ministry is designed for hurting people, to bring deliverance, to illuminate a mind or cause someone to change their direction through the teaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  She is gifted in the gifts of prophecy, the word of wisdom and the word of knowledge, tools that are efficacious in freeing God's people from bondage of any kind.  Here aim is to be a change agent in the Kingdom of God.


Contact info: 


FACEBOOK: Kay Robinson 

Faith/Ministry, Singleness
Lifestyle: Beauty
Hayley Scott 

Hayley Scott is the founder of FaithLoveBeauty, a beauty blog exclusively on Instagram. She resides in the Houston area and is a bank examiner with the federal government by trade.  She has loved all things beauty since she was a little girl. She would closely observe  her fabulous grandmother who would sit at her vanity just before church to apply makeup and add the finishing touches on her hair. Hayley's mother was also a lover of various Mary Kay products. Hayley's exposure to beauty and makeup in her formative years sparked a passion to discover more in the beauty industry.  Over two years ago, Hayley started FaithLoveBeauty as a platform to share beauty tips, create product reviews, discuss beauty myths, and have occasional giveaways. She named her blog FaithLoveBeauty, because in three short words it describes what she is most passionate about: her FAITH in the Lord, the importance of LOVE in the world (amongst her friends, family, and loved ones), and the aspect of physical and spiritual BEAUTY among women. Hayley's goal with her involvement with the "A New Me: Transparently. Abundantly." blog is to share beauty tips, tricks, and great products on the foundation of we are all beautiful in Christ and what He builds in us internally is where true beauty begins. 


Contact: INSTAGRAM FaithLoveBeauty

Lifestyle: Beauty
Antonia Bernard & Antoinette Staples (G.L.A.M.byTonenette) 

G.L.A.M. is much more than a phrase used in this time for the trends of glamour. It in fact was birthed from two identical twins that has a love for all things girly and understand that, “Girl’s Love Accessories & Makeup”. The acronym was created to describe a broad array of styles and elaborate designs that tie two key elements of every girls fashion together; her accessories and her makeup. Antonia Bernard and Antoinette Staples have impeccable style and the gift of beautifying women. They began blogging in 2015 in an effort to inspire women everywhere with the same gift that comes so naturally to them; owning the inner glamour doll in all of us. They are freelance, self-taught artists with a passion not only to enhance the outward appearance of women, but to feel Glamorous inside and outside. Antoinette is the glam girl with an eye for all things alluring both in front of and behind the photo lens. Antonia is the fashionista that expresses her personality through her flawless style. As followers of Christ and women after God's own heart they believe every woman has the ability to unlock their treasure; one G.L.A.M. key at a time.


Contact info:



INSTAGRAM: g.l.a.m.bytonenette 

For new makeup appointments and our latest work. Email:  IG: brushedup2g.l.a.m

Terrie Thomas 

Terrie J. Thomas, a native Houstonian, is currently a student at the College of Biblical Studies pursuing a major in Biblical Counseling.  She has worked in the Finance and Investment industry for over twenty-five years and has served in leadership capacity as the Youth and Children's Ministry Coordinator at the Fountain of Praise Church for 14 years until she resigned at the urging of the Holy Spirit to further her education in Biblical Counseling. She is passionate about bringing hope to others through the Word of God.  She enjoys writing, and helping others recognize their identity and potential in Christ.   She is the mother of two adult daughters, Nikki and DeAun.

Faith/Ministry, Singleness
Faith/Ministry, Relationships
Antrenette Carr (Former Blog Contributor)

Antrenette (pronounced Ann-tree-nette) was born and raised in Houston, Texas, but currently resides in California. Antrenete graduated from University of Houston – Clear Lake in 2004 with a degree in Healthcare Administration and then attended University of St. Thomas and received her MBA with a concentration in Ethics in 2008. While going to school Antrenette worked in Human Resources for 9 years and then moved to Dallas in 2010 to pursue a counseling degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and she graduated in 2012 with a Masters in Marriage and Family Counseling. 

Dallas was Antrenette’s home for about 5 years, until moving to California 3 months ago!


When not at work you can find Antrenette in front of the TV eating Moolenium Crunch, reading, running, or exploring beautiful California. 

Singleness and Lifestyle
Videllia Davis

Videllia (pronounced Vie-dell-yah) was born and raised in Fort Worth, Texas and is a graduate from The University of Texas at Austin. She graduated in 2011 with her Bachelor in Business Administration and a Master in Professional Accounting. She current resides in Dallas, Texas working as a Certified Public Accountant. When not meeting the demands of her corporate clients, Videllia enjoys taking dance classes and writing for her blog/book. She is a faithful member of the Concord Missionary Baptist Church and is passionate about helping all people reach their fullest potential in Christ. Her mission is to use her words to skillfully encourage women to live life exposed - being comfortable in their perfect imperfections, flawed and unashamed.





Instagram: only1lady_v

Twitter: only1lady_v


Widowed, Divorced, Special Needs Parenting
Elvia Espino

When Elvia steps into a room, enthusiasm enters with her professional presence and your attention is quickly commanded. Her determination is fueled with her passion and can be felt when she speaks. She has a larger than life personality and definitely fits the phrase “Super Woman.” Espino’s appetite for success and determination came from being labeled at risk by a school system and growing up to a single mother. Since then, she has worked tirelessly professionally and personally to diminish the “us and “them” mentality within education. Determined not be a product of her environment she set her sights on not only having a dream but living the dream.

A mother to a special needs child, she advocates tirelessly for equitable opportunities for people with special needs. As the first person in her family to graduate college, Espino is passionate about speaking to students and her community to empower them to achieve their educational goals.


Currently Elvia is completing her doctoral degree in Organizational Change and Leadership.


Contact Info:




A brilliant mind trained to put things together, Christy is an accountant by trade who began her career as an intern in the U.S. Department of Treasury.  Enjoying her success, but yearning for something more, Christy was constantly exploring ways to dive into entrepreneurship and make waves in Houston. With two unique ideas and an indomitable spirit, Christy’s entrepreneurial spirit birthed a series of business ventures: GetLaunched! and MillionHeirs in the Making.  


  • GetLaunched! is a boutique business development firm that effectively equips entrepreneurs and small business owners with the knowledge and resources   required to launch, grow, or expand business ventures.  This company is perfect for the employed-preneur.

  • MillionHeirs in the Making is a network combining the efforts of young entrepreneurs pursuing various business ventures that are still embryonic and ripe for development and expansion. This group eases the burden of starting and maintaining a successful business by providing motivation, education, and peer.


      Contact Info: 832-305-5361 | |



Christy L. Staples
Eliis Hubbard

Ellis Hubbard is a Personal and Relationship Coach who specializes in helping men to build better lives through focusing on Faith, Family and Fun. He brings his experience in coaching, personal development, ministry and marriage counseling to help clients shift from what struggles they are focusing on to the mental and spiritual mindsets needed to grow to their next level in life. Before becoming a personal coach, Ellis worked in Corporate America primarily in Sales, Marketing and Management where he was best known for his personal and career development work and passions. He is currently the Founder and CEO of Coaching Over Coffee, Inc. and Saturday Seminars, LLC.


Ellis lives in Houston, Texas, where you’ll find him building his professional and business lives with his wife of 21 years and hanging out with his 3 kids – 21, 18 and 17.


You can reach him here: Website coming soon!

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