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Redefine a version of yourself where God’s plan for your life—not your pain or inner challenges—defines your purpose, self-worth, and identity.



  • A New Me: Life Transformation Program © is a premium solution, created by Dr. Estrelita Bruce, designed specifically to help you transform your brokenness into opportunities for personal growth, wholeness, and purpose.

  • Think of it as a redefined version of yourself where God’s plan for your life—not your pain or inner challenges—defines your purpose, self-worth, and identity.

  • Our program is a highly interactive process that requires you to confront ways in which you may be your own worst enemy, preventing yourself from achieving the healing and wholeness you so desperately deserve.

  • We understand that change requires tough companions who are willing to join you in dealing with your most difficult inner challenges; standing shoulder to shoulder with you on your passage towards healing, wholeness, and growth.

  • We also understand that God is the expert in your life, not us. We will help you redefine your pain and struggles as conduits to something greater and challenge you to live authentically and bring a more integrated self to your journey.

  • At its heart, A New Me: Life Transformation Program © is a voluntary program only. You, not us, are solely responsible for your outcomes. As such, you must want direct, honest, and candid feedback for our program to be most effective.  Motivated individuals will experience powerful insights, a greater self-awareness, and a rapid return to wholeness.

  • Using our five-stage A New Me: Life Transformation Program © and self-directed learning modules; we join you in your restoration process, guiding you toward inner growth and peace.


Stage 1: Brokenness – Brokenness results in a traumatic experience.  Learn how trauma affects you psychologically and spiritually.  Learn the spirit, soul, & body connection. Understand how your boundaries were violated. Discover your survivor personality traits and discuss the root causes to your current struggles.  We will work through this stage by applying an interactive and educational approach to process the pain.   


Stage 2: Dissolve Self-Sufficiency  - To process inward pain effectively you must be willing to dissolve your self-sufficient means to cope.  Explore your survivor personality traits, distorted self-image, learn how to manage your triggers, and gain healthier alternatives to cope with your pain and experience healing.


Stage 3: The Process – Understand the process of healing by gaining more insight towards your healing journey.  We’ll discuss the challenges of maintaining your faith in God while applying healthy solutions to embrace healing.   


Stage 4: A New Me – Embrace A NEW ME by embracing a new way of thinking. Learn the importance of metacognition (think about thinking), identifying automatic thoughts, and how to replace negative thinking with truth.  As you embrace A NEW ME, discover how your pain was used as an opportunity for healing, personal growth, and purpose. 


Stage 5: Balance  -  Understand the importance of maintaining the NEW YOU by applying solutions to help you balance your new life.  Learn how to set healthy boundaries and the importance of a healthy support base who will encourage you to celebrate your NEW LIFE.



Are you Ready to Embrace A NEW ME?


If your group, organization, or church is interested in Inviting Dr. E to host A NEW ME LIFE: TRANSFORMATION PROGRAM Workshop click here. Cost of program and details will be discussed.

If you wish to work through the program with Dr. E in one-on-one private sessions schedule a Free 15 Minute Consultation to get started.  Cost of program and details will be discussed.



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